
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Description about the pool

The pool is warm and long, it is an indoor pool. It has a tent that covers the pool so nothing will go inside or anyone will go in. It has a tent named a marquee.

It is inside the tennis courts. Also the water is heated with warm water so we can get warm and not cold. It has a bad smell of chlorine. These people from Mt Wellington Trust bought it for us so we can learn how to swim and get swimming lessons.

The water is as blue as the sky. It is full of blue see-through water and it is a rectangle shape. There are flutter boards so we can float on the water. We can see the pool from down the road. It is as cold as the snow. The walls of the pool are like the skateboard ramp.

It is as warm as the spa pool and the water is sometimes cold like ice. The water is as blue as the sky. And there is there stairs to walk on to get into the pool.

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