
Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Marilyn - Grace

The clock struck 1:00am and it was time my dad quickly took my mum into the car. I got the bags that Mum packed the night before and threw it into the car.

We then zoomed off to the hospital. When we got to a red  light, luckily there were no cars so dad speedily drove through the red lights. We then were at the hospital, my dad got the bags while me and my older sister dorothy was helping mum.

“ HELP!!” I shouted, the nurses came running and took her into the room. We sat outside the room looking at the extremely beautiful city lights, the room then had suddenly gone silent. I then thought that something had gone wrong.

My dad said  that we could come and see our little baby sister or brother. We walked into the room I was so excited, “it’s a GIRL” I whispered. We saw little finger’s and feet “ What is her name” dorothy asked, “Marilyn - Grace”.What are you looking at lol.jpg

                   THE END !!!!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

All About Me

Talofa,My name is Annalise Tuala ,I am a year 6.
In my spare time I like to go ,Swimming,Shhopping, spending time with my friends.
My favourite school subject is Writing.
In my family I have 1 brother and 3 sisters,a Mum and Dad.

Friday, 7 March 2014



Lent is on Wednesday, March 5 2014 and ends on april 17. Lent is a Catholic Tradition when people are coming together to remember jesus dying on the cross for our sins.

fasting is an important part of Lent. Lent is important for christians because it symbolizes the 40 days jesus spent fasting and praying in the desert.

It is also about preparing for Easter. Lent is all about Easter when we celebrate the rising of jesus. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of lent. Ash Wednesday is when you go to church and get a ash on your forehead shaped as a cross.

Palm Sunday is a day of great celebration. Palm sunday is on April 13 on sunday. Palm sunday is also about when jesus entered jerusalem when palm branches were placed in his path before his arrest on Holy thursday. Palm sunday is the sunday before easter,on palm sunday Christians celebrate when jesus entered jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection.

Easter is a christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of jesus christ on the third day after his crucifixion.

Last supper is about the passover supper of jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion.

Fact's about Cow's !!